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June 2024 Wine Tour

Dear Languedoc wines fans and friends,

Is that winter ever going to stop? I am just back from France and I must admit I am struggling with the tantrums of the weather at this time of the year in our beautiful Scotland. Just a few days ago I was gorging myself with vitamins C and opening a new tub of suncream in my garden basking in the Languedoc sun… in Fife the temperature is just above 5 degrees, we had hailstones, rain, wind and a flurry of snow….enough!!

OK, my trip in France was not only about fine food, fine wines and sunshine it was actually work.

By that I mean I was visiting old wine producer friends , as well as the chefs or owners of the best local restaurants in order to finalise the contents of my 2024 Wine tours season starting in June . It was nice catching up with them all, from Seraphine and Christian of La Grange de Philip and Peter from the Chateau de Lunas , Patrice and Christine form the wine bars of Bedarieux and Faugeres , Francoise and Alex from L’oustaloise, and of courses my very close friends Catherine, Bernard and Alix from the Mas d’Alezon and the Domaine de Clovallon…all looking forward to welcoming us back and spoiling us with their languedoc hospitality , food and wines…

I also made a few more friends and I am looking forward to take you to meet Bruno Lafon and his wonderfull wife at the domaine Magellan in Magalas as well as Corinne at the Domaine du Meteore, taking you down the crater for a picnic and a glass of wine or two…there is also that new Sea food restaurant in Bedarieux with a young self taught chef worth a detour…

Of course we will not forget the Domaines of Daumas Gassac or Mas Gabriel , and of Course the domaine La Madura in St Chinian….some of my old favourites.

The main question is:

Will you join me for a week of well needed and deserved indulgence…there are still a couple of spaces in June from the 9th to the 16th….come on spoil yourself, pick up that phone and give me a call you deserve it…

A bientot,


tel 07760761170


Languedoc Wine Tours
28 Main Street, Kelty, KY4 0AA © 2022

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